Classic Topaque


Winery: Morris

Region: Rutherglen

Variety: Topaque

Wine Type: Fortified

Price Guide: $30



Morris Classic Topaque is made with Muscadelle, the elegant cousin of Muscat. The fruit is grown on Morris’s Mia Mia Vineyard at Rutherglen.

The grapes are harvested at high levels of sugar ripeness, crushed and allowed to start fermentation. Once the desired level of sweetness is reached, the juice is pressed and a high strength neutral spirit is added to arrest the ferment.

The wine is then pumped into casks where it matures for a number of years. It is blended to an average age of 8-10 years prior to release.

Light amber, Morris Classic Topaque balances fresh varietal characters with subtle aged complexity from time in barrel. An ideal dessert wine.

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